Friday, April 27, 2012

This Weekend's To Do List

It's that time again -- time for another work weekend at Camp Grow. Paul has a nice list of projects to hopefully complete this weekend.

Here's what we hope to accomplish (in no particular order):

- prep sports equipment for summer (inflate balls, set up archery range, etc.)
-build boxes to sift fire pit ash and debri
-remove buckthorn in selected areas
-repair cabin screen doors - start with Sauk
-refinish dining hall floor
-finish repair of Cabin-in-the-Woods roof (tear-off is halfway done as of 4/17/12)
-paint interior walls and ceiling in Cabin-in-the-Woods
-clean camp kitchen and dish room florescent light lenses
-deck wash and scrub Green Lake waterfront steps and handrail
-repair horseshoe pits
-change oil in vehicles and equipment
-do final grading on slip-n-slide channel
-repair thwarts on the Spring Lake canoes - replace rivets with SS machine screws
-spread fertilizer in selected areas
-thoroughly clean (wipe down/vacuum) dry storage area and move inventory

Whew! Looks like it'll be a busy weekend! Please pray for good weather so that all those volunteering can get as much done as possible. If you're not able to serve this weekend, mark your calendars for the May 18-20 work weekend.

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