Sunday, April 29, 2012

April Work Weekend 2012

Hello, this is Michelle Nikolai reporting live from Camp Grow. Well, technically I'm home right now and just had a nice nap after getting in some hard work yesterday for the work weekend.

This weekend was really productive despite the rain on Saturday. The biggest project was working on Cabin-in-the-Woods. A couple of guys arrived on Thursday night and were able to get a lot of progess made on the roof on Friday already. It was pretty done except for the cap and the south side including the porch. Throughout Saturday, some of us spent time cleaning up the old shingles and other debris lying on the ground while Jake scraped ceilings to get ready for a new coat of paint. The roofing crew (aka Nate and Mike) worked on putting on plywood over the porch and then getting the drip edge and roofing paper on. When I left Saturday night, the guys had starting shingling that side and had a few rows on already.

  • Working on Cabin-in-the-Woods

Before the plywood was nailed on the porch

Emptying a load of old shingles -- that dumpster was pretty full!

Installing the drip edge

A view of one of the completed sides of the roof

  • Taped off and got a good base coat of paint on a screen door

The newly green screen door

It's possible that some of us had too much fun with said green paint.
Did you know that dried spaghetti noodles work great if you don't have a thin tipped brush?

  • Built a 9 Square in the Air game out of PVC pipe

Testing out the Nukem in the Square game -- Good job guys!

  • Cleaned Edgewood Lodge
  • Got the fans up in the Dining Hall
  • Built some mini marshmallow shooters out of PVC pipe
  • Cleaned out some of the freezers
  • Trip to the ABA / Green Lake Conference Center (whatever you want to call it) to pick up food to bring back to camp

I'm sure I missed a few other tasks and projects that were done and I definitely did not get my camera out to document everything, but if anyone else has something to add to this (including pictures), feel free to email Thanks to all those who served!

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