Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A fast from technology

Sorry for the lack of interesting Camp Grow updates and reading material. I (Michelle) have been out of state for the past two weeks. Our family was enjoying a lovely vacation in the mountains of Colorado while visiting family, hiking, and relaxing a bit. That left for little time (and access) to blogging while we were gone.

With limited access to Internet and television  along with intermittent cell phone service, I was reminded of my summer at Camp Grow. (Although, I think at the time I was the only one on staff that had US Cellular for a provider and actually got really decent phone service.) It was so refreshing to not worry about having the world at my fingertips and to just enjoy God's creations. I was able to focus on God and the things that matter to me most (my family!). There were fewer distractions from life. It was wonderful.

My challenge to you -- Exchange an hour of distractions for your full attention to God/nature/family. You can do it! It'll be worth it. I promise.

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