Monday, July 23, 2012

Let's Meet: Largo Krouse

Name: Largo Krouse
Nickname: Largs
Current Occupation: Human Resources Manager
Current Location: Oak Park, IL
Family:  I am the youngest of three children (1 sister, 1 brother) and I’m a single gal with no children except for my handsome adopted cat Tigger Bartholomeow!

Reading, watching movies, spending time with friends and family.  I enjoy visiting museums, attending concerts, sewing/quilting and taking my bike out on the trails near my home.  Most recently I started playing on a bocce league which is fun, particularly when my team wins!

How did you learn about Camp Grow:  
I learned about Camp Grow by attending the First Baptist Church of Oak Park.

Camp Grow Position:  Camper!!  And I was a counselor one time as well.

What are your favorite camp memories:  I loved rowing boats on Spring Lake, canoeing and swimming in Green Lake and campfires with all of those wonderful camp songs!  One memory that stands out was a 50’s party during Senior High week that was held in the Green Lake boathouse.  Everyone dressed like they did back then and there were little bottles of Coca-Cola (like in the 50’s) for everyone.  So much fun!

In what way(s) has camp impacted your life?:  Camp Grow has been such a positive influence on my life.  It helped me to develop a sense of community and when you surround yourself with Christian folks with encouraging attitudes you can't go wrong!

How do you stay connected with Camp Grow?:  The Facebook Camp Grow page and the Camp Grow website.  Also, this year I attended the May Work Weekend!  Hard work, but a lot of fun!

Any last words?:  I'm thankful for Camp Grow.  I'm thankful for a place that can have such a positive influence on so many children (and adults) in a period of only a week.  I know that it helped mold me in my Christian faith and am confident that these young lives are being shaped for the better as well.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A fast from technology

Sorry for the lack of interesting Camp Grow updates and reading material. I (Michelle) have been out of state for the past two weeks. Our family was enjoying a lovely vacation in the mountains of Colorado while visiting family, hiking, and relaxing a bit. That left for little time (and access) to blogging while we were gone.

With limited access to Internet and television  along with intermittent cell phone service, I was reminded of my summer at Camp Grow. (Although, I think at the time I was the only one on staff that had US Cellular for a provider and actually got really decent phone service.) It was so refreshing to not worry about having the world at my fingertips and to just enjoy God's creations. I was able to focus on God and the things that matter to me most (my family!). There were fewer distractions from life. It was wonderful.

My challenge to you -- Exchange an hour of distractions for your full attention to God/nature/family. You can do it! It'll be worth it. I promise.