Sunday, February 17, 2013

Ministering to Ministers Women's Retreat

Over the weekend of Feb. 15 & 16, women from many different backgrounds came together to enjoy Camp Grow's Ministering to Ministers Women's Retreat. It was a weekend to learn and grow, to be challenged, to be encouraged as well as to encourage others.

Katie DeNure led worship with a few other lovely ladies. We sang songs like: 10,000 Reasons, Blessed be the Name, Give Me Faith, and a few more.

The Worship Team
Lifting up our voices to the Lord!!

You can listen to "Give Me Faith" here:

Stacy Weyenberg was our amazing speaker. God was really using her through each session. The different topics that she spoke about were: "The Abundant Life," "The Race of Faith," and "Looking Unto Him." There were so many good things to take away. We learned about going to Jesus to be filled up with joy before we can pour it back out on others. We learned about walking by faith and not by our feelings. We were reminded that we need to just wait upon the Lord and His timing. We were reminded of God's truths and how to avoid becoming entangled in our sin. We reflected on Jesus and all that He is.

"Looking unto Him, the Author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of God." (Hebrews 12:2)

Our Speaker: Stacy Weyenberg

We broke out into small groups. It was amazing to see how the women just let the walls come down and become vulnerable. There was lots of sharing, some tears, some laughter, and lots of glory being given to God.
Small groups and prayer

When we weren't singing, praying, or in a session -- there was time for making cards to encourage other women and also time to fellowship!
Card making


Isn't it amazing how God can use women in ministry? Ministry comes in all shapes and sizes. For some women, their home and family is their ministry. Others are involved in church or jail ministries. Some women are missionaries or lead an orphan/adoption ministry. There are women's ministries and camp ministries. Pretty much anywhere someone can be growing in their relationship with Jesus, there is a ministry. If you didn't have a chance to make it to this year's retreat, be encouraged to join Camp Grow for the next one.