Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May Work Weekend 2012

It was a beautiful weekend to work at Camp Grow and the volunteers were able to get a lot accomplished. Thanks to all who served!

  • One of the biggest projects was getting the dock in at the waterfront. A good portion of it was installed! It looks like a few brave souls did without wet suits! Brr..

Some of the Dock Crew

Heading up from the waterfront after putting in part of the dock

  • All the box fans around camp were cleaned out. There's a lot of them - look at the floor in the background of the picture below.
Cleaning box fans

  • The cabin team was out sweeping, vacuuming, and cleaning the light fixtures.
Cleaning in Teepee Village

Try not to look so thrilled, Tom!

  • The dining hall was was all set up on the newly stayed floor and new dish room flooring. Everything was wiped down, mopped, swept, and vacuumed (or as Mandy said, "shop vacked"). Pots and pans were washed and even used to serve meals! It's beginning to look and feel like summer at camp.
Angi and her little helper

  • All the fire extinguishers were set up.
  • The pines down by the A-Frames were trimmed.
  • The lawnmower and weed wacker were also put to good use around camp.

The lovely photographer, Mandy, and Karissa

Thanks so much to everyone that gave up their weekend to serve!
 You are truly a blessing to Camp Grow.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Let's Meet: Michelle Nikolai

Name: Michelle (Pauly) Nikolai
Nickname: Shellman
Current Occupation: Stay at Home Mom
Current Location: Port Washington, WI

Family: I'm the oldest of 5 kids (3 brothers and 1 sister). I'm married to my wonderful husband, Tim, and we have two kids, Caleb (5) and Sonya (2).

Interests/Hobbies: Nature walks with the family, reading, blogging, plunking around on my guitar, painting, doing crafts, Spanish, attempting to sing, baking, playing sports, and the list goes on.

How did you learn about Camp Grow?: I attended Ripon College so I wasn't too far from camp. The first time I visited was when our Campus Christian Fellowship group spent the night at Brim Grow Lodge for our 30-Hour Famine event. It wasn't until two summers later that I applied for open positions at Camp Grow.

Camp Grow Position: Kitchen Staff 2005 -- making delicious and nutritious meals for campers (Go ahead, you can laugh).

What are your favorite camp memories?: The entire kitchen staff (all three of us) decided to take out a canoe on Spring Lake one morning. The wind was so strong on the way back that we got back late and almost didn't get lunch ready in time. Other memories include dressing up all gangster to sing "Baby Got Book" with my roommate for one of the Talent Nights and playing Nerts at night with the Clarks.

In what way(s) has camp impacted your life?: Camp was a huge impact on helping me find my identity. It gave me self confidence and independence. The people I worked with were very supportive and encouraging. Throughout the summer, I constantly learned that I needed to rely on God more during difficult situations. I wouldn't be the person I am today if it weren't for Camp Grow.

How do you stay connected with Camp Grow?: Well, I took a bit of a break after working at camp for a summer, but have stayed in touch with the Ethingtons. Recently, I've been able to participate in two camp work weekends and am hoping to make it for the Harvest Moon family camp this year.

Any last words?: Camp Grow has an amazing ministry and I'm just blessed to be a one of the small puzzle pieces in God's big picture.

If you'd like to contribute your story or any memories to the Camp Grow blog,
just email
It can be this question and answer format or whatever your preference is.
We'd love to hear more about your experiences with camp!